Escape from Alcatraz

Escape from Alcatraz 1 & 2 (Prison Break)

One cell. One escape. One rumour?

2-6 players
60 minutes
from age 10
from 109 €
German, English

San Francisco in 1958: Alcatraz Maximum Security Prison. The myth about the successful escape of an innocent convict. Did the convict really manage to escape from the prison island, or is it all a rumour?

The most notorious maximum security prison in the USA was considered escape-proof. But there is a rumour circulating among the guards that a wrongly convicted man actually managed to escape from his cell and from the prison. This rumour incites the guards to bet, as it has never been officially confirmed. With the prospect of a tidy profit, the guard puts you to the test to put the rumour to rest. If you find your way to freedom, he lets you go. Only those who look carefully will be able to escape from the most secure prison of the time. But don't forget, in one hour there will be a change of guards!


ATTENTION: this game is not barrier-free and not suitable for people with severe knee and back problems or advanced pregnancy! Read the spoiler for more information!

Prisons are never clean, so make sure you wear appropriate prison clothing that can get dirty. However, you should not dress too warmly, as you are, after all, on the run! You should also avoid high heels and instead wear comfortable shoes that are suitable for escaping!


Both rooms are identical in construction - ideal for your team vs. team game


Play the rooms Alcatraz 1 and Alcatraz 2 in Battle Mode - Team vs. Team. The rooms Alcatraz 1 and Alcatraz 2 are identical in construction. With a minimum of 7 people, or if the battle mode is desired, you play against each other in a team. Which team manages to escape from the famous prison first?
If you want to play in battle mode, please also book the second room "Escape from Alcatraz 2".

Escape Room Wuppertal

Experience Escape Alcatraz live in person


Feel the thrill. As a wrongly convicted inmate, you want to get out of Alcatraz. There is also a rumour that an inmate has already managed to escape. But how can you escape from the maximum security prison Alcatraz yourself? You will be gripped by the puzzle fun in no time. With skill and brains, you get closer and closer to finding a way out. Will you and your team succeed in freeing yourself from the dark cell?

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